Scarborough Smiles

July 30, 2012

Dental Implants Help to Maintain a Younger Appearance

Did you know that in areas of missing teeth the bone resorbs and in some cases causes wrinkles to form around the mouth? By placing dental implants into the bone in the areas of the missing teeth, the bone becomes stimulated from the implant post and therefore will not resorb. Long term, this prevent those early age wrinkles.

July 18, 2012

Being Tooth Paste Smart for Toddlers

Until your child is able to completely spit out all of their toothpaste, fluoridated toothpaste should not be used. For young toddlers, brushing with a toothbrush and water is usually sufficient enough. Non-fluoridated toothpaste can also be used but should always be encouraged to be spit out to help build good habits.
If a child consumes fluoridated toothpaste, dental fluorosis of the adult teeth can occur. Dental fluorosis is when the the enamel does not form properly and appears with bright white and brown pitted stains. Dental enamel affected by dental fluorosis also does not form as strong as it normally would, and is therefore more prone to cavities.

July 11, 2012


Congratulations Dr. Kocho Cumandra for being a Fellow of the International Congress of Implantologists last May 20, 2012. Another achievement to enhance better dental service in Implant Dentistry. 

July 3, 2012

How often do you have to change your Toothbrush?

Replace toothbrushes every three months or more
frequently if they show signs of wear, become contaminated through contact with another brush or
child, or after a child has an infection. Toothbrushes
should be rinsed after each use and air dried.

 If multiple brushes are stored in the same holder, do not allow them to touch each other.