Scarborough Smiles

February 8, 2015

Dental Sealants

Sealants are a protective coating that can be applied to the surfaces of teeth to help prevent the development of cavities. If you look in your mouth you will notice your back teeth have lots of grooves and fissures. This pattern can make it easy for food to get trapped and for tooth decay to begin. This is especially important in children. The first adult molars come into the mouth at the age of 6 years old; this means these teeth have to stay healthy for a long time (hopefully the rest of your life!). Children are often not very good at brushing and keeping their own teeth clean, which is why it is often suggested to place sealants on their permanent molars soon after they erupt.  

The sealant itself is a plastic coating that can be clear or tooth 
coloured. It flows into the pits and fissures of the teeth and protects them from being a food trap. There is no drilling involved in the process, the liquid is flowed onto the surface and then cured in place. It is a pain-free and quick procedure, which can help kids keep their permanent teeth healthy until they grow up. Remember, sealants are not a substitute for oral health care. Brushing and flossing are still essential to maintaining a healthy mouth.  

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